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How do I subscribe to Academic Writer?
How do I subscribe to Academic Writer?

payment, subscription, create an account, cancel, edit payment information, update profile

Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Academic Writer offers two types of subscription options: monthly and annual. We also offer a 7-day free trial to new users.

To begin your trial or subscription, visit and select “Get Started”. This will prompt you to register by providing the following information:

Registration page with the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Choose a Password, and three checkboxes.

After you provide your information and select “Create Account,” you can choose the type of subscription you want. The final step is the checkout page, where you provide payment information. If you are starting a 7-day free trial, you will not be charged until the trial ends. You may cancel your trial or subscription at any time.

Important note: If your instructor or school has indicated that Academic Writer is a resource in your course, it is very likely that you need to purchase access through your learning management system or bookstore. Check with your instructor before you purchase.

To make changes to your subscription, profile, or payment methods, visit My Account.

You can also access your account from any page in by selecting “Edit Your Profile” in the Welcome menu at the top of your screen.

Top menu of Academic Writer with "Edit Your Profile" highlighted in the Welcome menu

This will bring you to your account dashboard, where you can update profile information (including payment details). Please note that you may be prompted to log in again.

If you need further assistance, email us at or chat with us by selecting the tool on the lower right side of any page.

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